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Air Jet Ejectors

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Since the pump handles 77 #/hr air at its (unchanged) suction pressure, the AAE will use 68.5 #/hr of atmospheric motive air and draw the new system suction of of 8.5 #/hr. air.
The new system suction flow is therefore 143 ACFM (10 torr suction).
Simplicity of design, operation and maintenance – no moving parts.
Availability in a wide range of materials. Standard material is cast iron with a stainless steel nozzle, but plastics , stainless steel and high alloy steel are all easily manufactured.
The Atmospheric Air Ejector is the most economical vacuum- producing device available.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Air Jet Ejectors, Caustic Recovery Machinery, Caustic Recovery Plant, Chemical Plants, Chemical Process Plants, Chill Vactors Systems, Chiller Vactor System, Combination Type Evaporators, Combination Vacuum System Of Steam Jet Ejector And Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump, Condensers, Falling Or Rising Film Evaporators, Feed Water Heater, Forced Circulation Evaporators, Heat Exchanger, Hotshot Mechanical Automatic Pumps, Injection Solution Kettle, Jet Venturi Fume Scrubbers, Liquid Jet Ejectors, Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps, Natural Circulation Evaporators, Pressure Vessels, Products, Reaction Vessels, Reactor Vessels, Reactors, S. S. Vessels, Single Or Double Stage Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps, Steam Jet Air Ejector (Sjae) System, Steam Jet Booster And Ejector, Steam Jet Liquid Ejectors, Steam Jet Liquid Heaters And Mixers, Sterile Reactor, Strirage Vessels, Surface Condenser, Thermocompressor, Turbine Vacuum System, Vapour Jet Ejectors